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Hi Hi everyone. Ummm... this page I guess is all about me. I guess y'all would like to know the basics. Lets see.....

Name: -sh.A.nN..en... or if you are special enough you can call me -sh.A.nN..

Age: 17

Location: Rolling Meadows, IL

other websites/pages:

Status: —

Goals: I don't know what I want to do in life anymore.

How long have I been on VP?: I have been on VP for over 2 years. My first name was LiMpEe_KoRn, and I was a toon, pathetic, I KNOW

How long have I been using HTML?: Ummm..... about a couple of months or so. My friend Jason(Master) got me started, and I started my page on gurlpages, because it was less hightech, but doing everything from scratch I'd say about a week or so.

Fave kind of music: I'd have to go with ROCK

Fave artist: I can't say, I have too many! But I can list a few; Linkin Park, Marilyn Manson, Disturbed, Slipknot, Mudvayne, Staind, Stabbing Westward, gODHEAD, Incubus, System Of A Down, ETC

Anything to add?: hmmm.. nothing much...sorry that I haven't updated in a long ass time, but I have had school, and stuff...but i do plan on updating.! I promise.!

VP screen name: on excite super chat it is either hated-betrayal or -ficti0n

AIM screen name: shAnnEneNeneN

ICQ number: 97754899


e-mail: it is listed on the bottom of the main page, but I have many, so I will put some here also.

Something I hate the most?: People who can't tell me the truth. They try to deny the fact, or they say I thought you knew, but inreality I do not. Also, people who get too wrapped up in themselves to notice that other people have problems going on, not just them.

What has been going on lately: I GOT OZZFEST TICKETS!!!

This site is made possible by: Thank you Jason for all your support. Without you pushing me I don't know how this site would look. Thank you for giving up your time to help me make this site the best I could make it.

I took this quiz and I though it was funny. LOL. And that is what kind of psycho I am, haha.

What Psych-Ward do you belong to?